Full Body
This is your 200 rep burn out. Start with 5 minutes of a warm up. This can be walking in place, running in place, and doing low impact moves before beginning the circuit. Take your 20 second rest breaks and get your breath and body centered. Get ready to hit 200 reps by the end of your sweat!!! Fat burner, 15 minute power walk following your circuit. Cool down, repeat the warm up routine.
Circuit of 2 Rounds
Quadruped Hold with Opposite Arm and Leg Reach
20 reps
Rest for 20 sec
Alternating Single Leg Squat
20 reps
Rest for 20 sec
MiniBand Side Bear Crawl (Around Legs)
20 reps
Rest for 20 sec
Body Weight Squat
20 reps
Rest for 20 sec
MiniBand Bear Crawl (Around Legs)
20 reps
Rest for 60 sec
Repeat new round